Why ‘Flip the Switch Coaching‘ – In order to grow, a change (or switch) is needed, either in thought pattern, in behavior and habits, or in how to approach a situation. We work based on a hybrid approach of individual coaching sessions (to be clear on your goals), group sessions that focus on exchange of ideas and putting things in to practice, lastly individual work (assignments) based on our workbook.

The material we cover is Energy levels (IPEC), the role of Habits, Gallup’s from Boss to Coach and Clifton Strengths Finder and much more. Our focus group is professionals in their 30s, we create groups of people with similar coaching interests to maximize learning and start a group that will stay connected over time.

Accelerating your career and leadership


  • Personal & Leadership Growth
  • Ability to shift to higher, more engaged energy levels
  • Playing to your Strengths (Clifton)
  • Tool set to continue your growth journey
  • Moving from Manager to Coach
  • Part of a Community of growing Leaders

How do the different Parts of Flip the Switch work together?

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle Model – Applied to Flip the Switch


Bernhard Brouwer

Dutch citizen, retired as senior executive from Johnson & Johnson after a career in the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, UK and last 11 years in the US.

Dahlia Khairallah

Lebanese recently relocated to Belgium, traveler of the world and fascinated by different cultures and different perspectives.

Jill Coogan

Jill is a retired senior executive from Johnson & Johnson with a strong track record for developing high performing individuals and teams in a global environment.

Our Testimonials

These testimonials refer both to 1 on 1 coaching as to fliptheswitchcoaching group sessions.

Any questions or queries ?

Get in touch with us today!